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Kyung Hee Acupuncture and Herbs- Best Decision Yet!

It was January of this year, 2018, after having visited a long list of complementary/ integrative western medicine doctors (a nutritionist and a naturopath specializing in homeopathy), that my health seemed to take a turn for the worst! And although I had sought out only the very best western medicine doctors that practiced both holistic and conventional medicine to help treat a myriad of health issues I was plagued with, something was still quite amiss! My immune system was worse than ever!

About a month or so before this major immune system malfunction, I had been experimenting with some new natural supplements by Neuroscience that were prescribed for me by one of my many doctors. These supplements seemed to be fantastic. But then these super fantastic supplements started to affect my sleep in a negative way. So I started taking yet another natural supplement (Cortisol Health- it's fabulous actually) to help me sleep through the night. Things were going great for a while. My energy was finally up so I joined a gym with a saline salt pool (no chlorine) so I could start swimming again.

I started out swimming just one day a week as that was about all the energy I had to exercise, but it was more energy than I usually had. It seems that if I exercised too much then I would get sick. This has happened in the past so I decided to ease my way into swimming again. I was doing so well for a while. Then about one month into this routine the big crash occurred. I became horribly sick and could barely move for about 24 hours. I took every natural medicine I could think of to resolve the issue. I was finally able to get out of bed but I had developed a persistent cough that wouldn't go away and I was left feeling very weak.

I had to stop swimming and seek out help yet again. But where to turn now? A friend recommended an acupuncturist who was supposedly amazing. So I started visiting this acupuncturist in Pasadena. She immediately told me that my condition was so bad that I had to visit her every other day for at least 2 weeks otherwise her acupuncture wouldn't work. 2 weeks and $500 later, my condition was worse than ever! I still had the cough and I still felt weak. I was taking all the advice this lady was giving me and some herbs she prescribed for me to no avail! My intuition was telling me to move on yet again!

I still had faith that acupuncture could work, but I decided to seek out an acupuncturist that specialized in herbs for the immune system and stomach problems “SIBO” (my main concerns), along with mood disorder, hormonal imbalance, headaches, joint pain, etc. I wanted someone who could cure my health issues, not just treat them. That's when I found Dr. Kim of Kyung Hee Acupuncture and Herbs on google. His reviews were outstanding and so I decided I must give him a try!

Nestled on Shatto Place in Korea Town, Los Angeles, Dr. Kim practices a special acupuncture method called the “Korean 4 needle technique.” He only uses 4 needles at the most. This was vastly different from the lady in Pasadena who must've stuck a million needles in my hands as if sewing a pattern. It was comforting to know that the needles would be minimal. I explained to Dr. Kim what had happened with the lady in Pasadena and he told me that all of her advice was wrong. She was actually making me sicker. Pretty crazy! So I suppose you really can't trust all acupuncturists!

Dr. Kim was so friendly, kind and easygoing. He also had a great sense of humor. His office was so peaceful... modern and clean. I felt very comfortable right away and intuitively knew that I had found the right place! Dr. Kim recommended that I visit him for acupuncture once a week and take his prescribed asian herbs 3x daily (which he prepared by hand!). He also told me what foods I should eat and not eat for my condition “too much heat”. He also told me not to take other supplements. I followed everything Dr. Kim told me to do except for not taking other supplements. Well, at first I stopped all my supplements, but after a while I managed to figure out which supplements worked in conjunction with the herbs and which ones didn't.

After I started seeing Dr. Kim, I made an astounding recovery...and very fast! My energy was back! My mood was better! My cough was gone finally (and the cough had lasted about a month)! I was swimming again. I even made it up to swimming 3x a week without getting sick! As I write this article, I've been seeing Dr. Kim for approx 9 months. I have not been sick one time! Yes, I've had days when I was a little more tired than usual... but never sick! I am still not 100% better but I'd say with Dr. Kim's acupuncture and herbs I am about 90% better than I've ever been in my entire life. Dr. Kim is by far the best doctor I have ever seen (even if he's technically not a doctor). I've actually stopped searching for doctors since seeing him!

I've tested myself and tried to stop taking the herbs a few times, but unfortunately my condition seems to get worse without them. So I know now that I can't go without the herbs for very long which is fine with me. I feel the best I've ever felt in my entire life! So it's worth it for me to continue taking the herbs! After a while I did manage to cut down my dose from 3x a day to 2x a day no problem! As for the acupuncture, I've cut down to 1-2x a month instead of 4x a month.

I am still dealing with some health issues, and so against Dr. Kim's advice I continue testing out new supplements on myself to see if they work well in conjunction with the herbs. It makes a great study! I am fascinated with alternative medicine... but even more fascinated at how well acupuncture and asian herbs work! I used to be all about alternative/ holistic medicine until I realized that the western medicine approach to disease (even if holistic) is still not 100% correct. Now I'm sold on Eastern Medicine... more specifically acupuncture and herbs! But, like I said earlier, not all acupuncturists and herbalists are equal. Dr. Kim at Kyung Hee Acupuncture and Herbs is the best of the best! And so I felt compelled to write this article honoring him and his amazing acupuncture/ herb practice! If you are dealing with serious health issues that no other doctor seems to be able to “cure” then I highly recommend Dr. Kim at Kyung Hee Acupuncture and Herbs! He is seriously amazing!

For more information please visit:

Jennie H is a Reiki Master Energy Healer, Co-Founder of Self Saviorz Society California Non-Profit 501(c)(3), Poet, Author and Entertainer with goals to help raise the vibration and consciousness of humanity!

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