My Beloved Animal & Insect Spirits
I had a cat named Dottie
who left her physical body
She took residence in a stuffed dog
and told me she was not gone
A Tribute to My Faithful Childhood Cat Sara
Sara was (and still is) a very special sweet cat! She helped keep me sane during a very turbulent childhood.
April 8th SOLAR ECLIPSE: Are They Releasing Demons?
Next week, on Monday, April 8th, 2024 there will be a solar eclipse! No big deal right? Just another solar eclipse! Well, first of all......
The Housing Drama Continues...
So after finding out that I wasn't going to be moving into a new condo or rental apartment any time soon, I made the regrettable decision...
Staying Positive and Optimistic Amidst Housing Deception!
After defeating bronchitis and pneumonia and then being diagnosed with the flu (all in one month), I decided to eliminate all phone...
The Life of a Projector Mastering Projector Lessons
The following is my text message response to a series of text messages recently directed to me by a close family member: "Beautiful...
A Day Of Anomalies!
It all started early last Wednesday morning when I woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom feeling that something was a...
True Happiness is Happiness Shared... with Nature!
I woke up this morning and took a deep breathe Thanked the universe for this lovely life that I have Sat in deep meditation surrounded by...
A Most Profound Communication With The Earth: The Ground is Trying to Breathe!
Last Thursday morning, after reciting my first two morning prayers, I noticed a large spider hiding in the crack between the wall and...
Another Awkward Covid Conversation... And My New Empowering Argument!
So yesterday, during my morning prayer/ meditation, I randomly decided to affirm that "the best words always come out of my mouth to...