West Virginia Governor Adds Religious Exemption for School Vaccine
This order ends one of the nation’s most restrictive vaccination policies and marks a significant shift in West Virginia’s approach...
Things I've Learned and Relearned about DEATH Within The Past 2 Weeks
First off- there is no such thing as absolute death. Matter and/or energy can neither be created nor destroyed. They simply change form.
Science, Buddhism, Compassion, Longevity, Freedom & Money!
I mean what's the point of having unbound compassion, living a long life in excellent health if you are not financially free?
Did I Actually Just Discover The Real Way to Discharge Debt?
Before proceeding with the discharge process, one must first send a written notification to the CEO of the company that they owe money to...
Becoming A Free Natural Person with An Irrevocable Foreign Express Trust Part 1: Traveling in an Automobile & Dealing with The DMV
The foreign trust, along with an injunction, also provides one with protection from local law enforcement while traveling in an automobile.
The United States Corporation "District of Columbia": Land of the Fee, Home of the SLAVE!
The 14th Amendment didn't really free anyone the way we've been led to believe!
What is Your Soul's Purpose? And Can You Achieve It?
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about my soul's purpose in life. I often wonder how we are all supposed to achieve our purposes in
The Cough is Back! Ugh... I'm Sick Again!
So after writing my last article about the Orishas I ended up getting sick and therefore decided to skip an article! I needed extra rest!...
Do You Have Your Own Personal Orisha Watching Over You?
I'd like to begin this article with an important disclaimer since the spiritual mentor who opened me up to the Orishas seems to feel that...
I Am Now Studying The Fine Art of Banking!
Besides being concerned about sickness and diseases, I've been told that we should all be very concerned about our finances.