Staying Positive and Optimistic Amidst Housing Deception!
After defeating bronchitis and pneumonia and then being diagnosed with the flu (all in one month), I decided to eliminate all phone...
The Bankrupt US Corporation: What's Been Happening, Why It's Happening and What You Can Do About it!
I recently had a phone conversation with my mom about all the crazy stuff that's been going on in the United States nowadays... I told...
I'm Back! Did You Miss Me? Were You Worried?
First off... Happy Gregorian Calendar New Year! Hope you enjoyed the Holiday Season! Welcome to 2024! Now, if you're still following this...
Nephilim Crown 5G Apocalypse
I think my articles are becoming less and less popular lol! Perhaps that's a good thing? However... I did it again! I couldn't help...
BONUS ARTICLE! Do You Want to Know What's Really Going on in the World Right Now?
Okay folks... once again... I'm stepping into the fire by voicing some controversial information/ opinions... But it's difficult to stay...
A Philanthropic Initiative to Stop Hunger and Create a Better World!
For the last few years I've been feeding nuts, seeds and fruit to the wonderful squirrels (and birds) at my apartment complex. I was...
Marburg Virus Emergency Warning!
First and foremost, for all those who identify as Jewish or Hebrew Israelite, and who fasted for Yom Kippur this past Sunday through...
"Of the Quest" Poem
I am a philosopher unknown of the Quest I have been shown A poet for the cause upholding universal laws True freedom will prevail in the...
A Most Profound Communication With The Earth: The Ground is Trying to Breathe!
Last Thursday morning, after reciting my first two morning prayers, I noticed a large spider hiding in the crack between the wall and...
The Best of Everything Is Coming To Me Now!
I feel good and I keep feeling better so that I may do my spiritual work. I have perfect faith and trust that the most high divine...