My Beloved Animal & Insect Spirits
I had a cat named Dottie
who left her physical body
She took residence in a stuffed dog
and told me she was not gone
Sun Gazing, Ants, Fleas, Flies, a Weirdo and a New Rodent Friend! Happy Full Moon!
I think it all started on August 25th... My 68th day of sun gazing! It was a Sunday and I was sun gazing in a nearby park
Squirrel Wars: The Grand Finale (I hope!)
If you've followed my articles religiously you would know that I've engaged in quite a few battles with the neighbors at my apartment
The Life of a Projector Mastering Projector Lessons
The following is my text message response to a series of text messages recently directed to me by a close family member: "Beautiful...
Should We Be Giving Charity to The Poor?
My mom seems to believe that most, if not all homeless people, are drug addicts and/ or alcoholics, and therefore will squander any money...
Have I Been Cursing Myself?
This past Friday morning, on December 30th 2022, I experienced a heightened intuitive energetic connection to the spirit/ most high...
Squirrel Drama
If you read my last article than you know that I've been doing my very best to help Ms. Perfect Patches the magical squirrel recover from...
I Had To Euthanize a Bee this Past Sunday (and I Never Kill or Harm Insects!)
This past Sunday I performed my usual daily solar worship ritual on my balcony along with an extra special ritual to welcome the Leo sun....
Another Dimension to Spiritual Enlightenment: Breaking the Cycle of Birth and Death
After writing and publishing my last article, "What Does it Mean to be Spiritually Enlightened?" , I was guided to write even more...
My Soul Realignment Session with John Bradshaw
I was recently introduced to a man named John Bradshaw, or rather he was referred to me by a friend/ business associate. You see,...