Protection from Negative Entities & Demons Continued...
In a recent article I wrote titled "My Latest Discoveries in Negative Entity Protection," I described my exciting experiences battling...
Balancing Neurotransmitters in a Mood Disorder Emergency!
It was around November or December of 2019, right before covid happened, when I had a most prophetic dream. In my dream I was in the...
"Opt out of the Chaos" Poem
You can opt out of the chaos You don't have to live in fear Anger, hate, aggression are not necessary my dear! You can opt out of pain ...
It’s Time To Take A Day Off To Rest!
So as I type this article it's Monday, September 28th, 2020, just two days before I must publish this article! Perhaps it's that crazy...
Is This Pandemic Turning You or Your Loved Ones Into Alcoholics? (And What You Can Do About It!)
Or might I say... Is this pandemic turning you or your loved ones into “worse alcoholics”? A close relative of mine has been drinking...
"Anger" Poem
Temper temper Quick to anger Hold thy tongue for wrath spells danger Liver quivers Pent up stress Horrid mood A mental mess Brain...
No Kids, It's Not Cool To Be a Sociopath!
We happen to be in the pre-shadow phase of a very dark Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio that actually goes retrograde on October...
Are You Getting Haunted by Negative Entities?
Have you ever had a strange feeling that something was in the room with you even though the room was entirely empty? Have you ever been...
My 'Not So Great' Experiences with Talk Therapy
The first time I can recall seeing a therapist was when I was a pre-schooler. The session was actually for my mother. I sat in the...
L-Theanine: The Magical Mood Boosting Amino Acid
I just love experimenting with new mood boosting supplements, especially because mood disorder runs in my family. I have been plagued...