Buddhism is Starting to Sound Real Good Right Now!
Ummm, did I say I was Jewish? I think you must've heard me wrong. Buddhist and Jewish sure do sound similar don't they? Interestingly,...
The Life of a Projector Mastering Projector Lessons
The following is my text message response to a series of text messages recently directed to me by a close family member: "Beautiful...
A New Cycle Begins!
This past weekend, the Jewish holiday of Shemini Atzeret followed by Simchat Torah, marks the end of our Torah reading cycle for the...
Shana Tova! Happy New Year!
So it's the Jewish New Year... Rosh Hashanah! Shana Tova! Happy New Year! Well, it was the Jewish New Year this past Friday through...
Should We Be Giving Charity to The Poor?
My mom seems to believe that most, if not all homeless people, are drug addicts and/ or alcoholics, and therefore will squander any money...
From Resort To Concentration Camp: This Summer's Trip to New York & PA Part 2!
In my last article I describe the wonderful time that my step daughter and I had visiting my dad and his wife in Long Island. Finally,...
My Astrology
Pisces Sun Scorpio Moon I know my astrology Do you know you? Venus in Aquarius My relationship trend is less romantic and more like...
True Happiness is Happiness Shared... with Nature!
I woke up this morning and took a deep breathe Thanked the universe for this lovely life that I have Sat in deep meditation surrounded by...
Negativity Somehow Snuck Up On Me... And Then It Was Gone!
As I was busy being excited about a special gift that I had expected to arrive (any day now) after 3 months of anticipation...somehow...
The Best of Everything Is Coming To Me Now!
I feel good and I keep feeling better so that I may do my spiritual work. I have perfect faith and trust that the most high divine...