What if the Universe is Preparing Us All For Something Else?
The universe has a divine plan and things are not always as they seem... Life is fragile and reality can change at any given moment,...

Is This Pandemic Turning You or Your Loved Ones Into Alcoholics? (And What You Can Do About It!)
Or might I say... Is this pandemic turning you or your loved ones into “worse alcoholics”? A close relative of mine has been drinking...

Things to be Aware of During this Corona Virus COVID-19 Pandemic
We are living in strange times right now! We are all collectively experiencing the horror of a Global Corona Virus COVID-19 Pandemic!...

Master Your Own System
Beginning from the time we are born, we are all helplessly indoctrinated into various systems. Our parents and family members program us...

Why I don't Celebrate Holidays!
Ba Hum Bug! Perhaps I'm a bit of a scrooge, but I don't feel very enthusiastic about celebrating holidays! Perhaps it's the fact that...

No Kids, It's Not Cool To Be a Sociopath!
We happen to be in the pre-shadow phase of a very dark Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio that actually goes retrograde on October...

It's a Really Bad Time To Be A Bad Person!
We are all guilty of being “bad” at some point or another in our lives. And when I use the term “bad” I mean it in such a way that the...