Ho'oponopono Hawaiian Mantra
I had a very beautiful soul visit me for a reiki session recently. He was a french man named Marco. His energy was simply magnificent. He...
If You Get a Chance to Help Someone... Just Do It!
I am always ready to help someone in need. Even when I'm in a moody state of mind and really don't want to be bothered by anyone, I still...
Navigating Through Mercury Retrograde
Brace yourself! We've just entered into a Mercury Retrograde phase yet again! For those unfamiliar with this astrological term, Mercury...
Financial Freedom is a Spiritual Journey
As I sit on the precipice of financial freedom, I can't help but realize how this quest for freedom is in fact a spiritual journey. And...
Balance on Planet Earth
There is a delicate balance with everything that exists on planet earth. If a species of animal or insect begins to multiply at an...
The Magic of Crystals
Crystals are not just pretty to look at. They have amazing metaphysical and healing properties as well! I am constantly being reminded of...
Does Karma Really Exist?
Most of us are familiar with the principle of karma. At some point or other in our life we may have considered the karmic repercussions...
“Ageless”- A Poem About Growing Older
Inspired by my birthday this past Saturday March 17th, I present to you my newest poem “Ageless." Happy Spring Equinox! As my container...
Fill that Empty Void: Give, Share and Be of Service to Humanity
I recently received a phone call from a man interested in a reiki energy healing session. He kept me on the phone for quite a while...