Retrograde Season
The cats and the bees The squirrels in the trees The spirits and me! A little more nature A little less stress A little more peace A lot...
Knowing When to Discontinue a Ritual: My Sincerest Apologies to the Jade Emperor!
This is a follow up to my previous article "Connecting with Saint Expedite." So I messed up and pretty bad! I inadvertently insulted a...
Connecting with Saint Expedite
About a month or so ago my mentor handed me my first voodoo book titled "A Beginner's Guide to Voodoo 2nd Edition" by Issendai Bechan. It...
Life After Passover...
After partaking in my two powerful kabbalistic passover seders some weird things happened. On Sunday, the day after my 2nd seder, my car...
My Super Powerful, Magical, Kabbalistic Passover/ Festival of Matzos!
I've been channeling a seriously high level of energy this Passover (aka Pesach aka the Festival of Matzos)! Unlike anything I've ever...
Vayare'u: It's Okay To Separate Yourself From Those Who Bring You Down!
As a follow up to my last article, "Aries New Moon Thoughts of the Week: Words Are Like Arrows... Express Yourself Carefully!", I would...
Aries New Moon Thoughts of the Week: Words Are Like Arrows... Express Yourself Carefully!
I'd like to start off by saying that I felt even worse after writing and publishing my last article "My (Not So Great) First (and...
My (Not So Great) First (and Probably Last) Experience at a Mikvah!
A mikvah is a pool of water in which observant married Jewish women are required to dip in once a month, seven days after the end of...
Another Dimension to Spiritual Enlightenment: Breaking the Cycle of Birth and Death
After writing and publishing my last article, "What Does it Mean to be Spiritually Enlightened?" , I was guided to write even more...
What Does it Mean to be Spiritually Enlightened?
It would appear to me that the concept of spiritual enlightenment (and what it means to be spiritually enlightened) would differ between...