My Latest Discoveries in Negative Entity Protection
I recently started listening to some super powerful high frequency audios for awakening the magical creative side of the brain,...
Crystals, Herbs, Reiki & Astrology is not Idolatry! (In my opinion)
I had a very negative (yet positive) experience at the Staples store recently. I say positive because the experience allowed me to...
My Experience with Reiki Distance Healing
Around October of 2012 my cat Felix became very ill with a condition called "Cryptococcus" which affected his central nervous system. He...
It's Inauguration Week! So What Should We Expect?
A while back, right before the United States Presidential election, I wrote an article titled "Dark Winter" in which I explained that an...
What Really Happens When We Go to Sleep and Dream?
I've recently become fascinated with the dream world, particularly because my dreams have become so vivid and amazing lately. I started...
So What is this Covid-19/ Corona Virus Really?
So I have to be quite honest with you... I never believed in this virus. For me, the corona virus/ covid-19... whatever you want to call...
Positive Insights for the New (Gregorian Calender) Year!
I was planning to post another eye opening article about covid today, but then I was struck by the intense energy of the full moon! And...
Dark Winter Part 2: Civil War? World War 3? Zombies? Aliens?
Perhaps the timing on this article is a bit odd... afterall Christmas is in just 2 days and well, um, this article is definitely not...
Take the Vaccine! Be a Hero! Die for Your Country!
CNN says to expect many nursing home patient deaths within one to two days of receiving the vaccine. This is going to be a NORMAL...
Not Ready For The Covid-19 Vaccine? Here's how to Legally Opt Out!
Many of us in the conscious community are concerned about the possibility of a mandatory covid-19 vaccination to be implemented in the...