Overcoming Missed Opportunities, Bitterness and Regret!
I recently met a kind older gentleman at my small neighborhood public library. We had a very nice conversation about spirituality,...
Pet Food, Supplements and Natural Cures for Cats and Dogs
If you're a caring pet owner like myself and you consider your pet to be more like a family member than a pet (the way it really should...
The Best Natural Migraine/ Pain Medicine & Mood Booster You Probably Never Heard of!
If you’ve been following my blog articles then you know that I’m no stranger to pain. I’ve been suffering from migraines and joint pain...
"The Angel of Darkness Awaits" Poem
Close the blinds Blow out the flame for the angel of darkness awaits it's claim When evil has reached a critical mass even the innocent...
That Crazy Time When I Met My Guardian Angel!
I believe it was February 3rd, 2014 when I first met with my guardian angel. I was taking an Advanced Reiki Training class with Jessica...
Master Your Own System
Beginning from the time we are born, we are all helplessly indoctrinated into various systems. Our parents and family members program us...
"Full Moon Migraine" Poem
Full moon migraine Three day head pain All efforts in vain The full moon reigns Liquid fast Cleansing Bath Spiritual Path So soon the...
When Misery Loves Company: Don't get Sucked In!
It was New Years Day, January 1st 2020, and I was on my cell phone talking with my mother. We were having a very pleasant conversation...
My 1.4 Gram Mushroom Trip
First let me start off by saying that yes, I know that 1.4 grams does not technically constitute a mushroom trip... However, this is the...
Why I don't Celebrate Holidays!
Ba Hum Bug! Perhaps I'm a bit of a scrooge, but I don't feel very enthusiastic about celebrating holidays! Perhaps it's the fact that...