Prepping For Your Blessing
Good things come to those who wait... or better yet, good things come to those who believe that good things come to them! Even better if...
L-Theanine: The Magical Mood Boosting Amino Acid
I just love experimenting with new mood boosting supplements, especially because mood disorder runs in my family. I have been plagued...
Embracing Your Day of Disaster!
We all experience bad days. You know... that day when everything seems to go wrong? A day of disaster if you will! One disaster seems to...
The Real Computer Chip is in the Air!
It has been speculated that there is a nefarious new world order plan to track and control the world's population with computer chips. In...
My Tiny Little Pet Caterpillar
Sometimes it's the little things in life that can be the most fulfilling. Every so often I have the pleasure of meeting a tiny little...
Clearing Out Old Clutter & Attachments
This past week it was necessary for me to use the internet at my neighborhood public library since my computer had completely...
The Beauty of Simplicity
On March 16th 2019, one day before my birthday, I was featured in my best friend/ business partner's music video production. I wore a...
Digestion Issues? Food Sensitivities? You May Have Low Stomach Acid!
If you read my last article, “Is Your Food Affecting Your Mood”, then you realize that I've been struggling with digestion issues, food...
Is Your Food Affecting Your Mood?
Throughout my childhood I ate many foods that affected my mood adversely, however since I was only a child I really didn't realize what...
Practicing Silence
My good friend/ spiritual mentor is constantly reminding me that I talk too much! Perhaps growing up in New York, with two exceptionally...