How Can a Benevolent God Allow Such Suffering and Chaos To Exist in Our World?
Over the weekend I read the Torah Portion called "Bechukotai". In the commentary on Bechukotai called Parshat Bechukotai In-Depth...
My Super Powerful, Magical, Kabbalistic Passover/ Festival of Matzos!
I've been channeling a seriously high level of energy this Passover (aka Pesach aka the Festival of Matzos)! Unlike anything I've ever...
My (Not So Great) First (and Probably Last) Experience at a Mikvah!
A mikvah is a pool of water in which observant married Jewish women are required to dip in once a month, seven days after the end of...
What Does it Mean to be Spiritually Enlightened?
It would appear to me that the concept of spiritual enlightenment (and what it means to be spiritually enlightened) would differ between...
Bonding With God (And Uncovering The Truth!)
So I've been doing a lot of praying and meditating in Hebrew as of late! Perhaps I've been overdoing it just a bit? I do have a tendency...
"Hip Hop" (My Epiphany) The First Song I Ever Wrote over 20 Years Ago!
Just the other day my Epiphany took place No longer in fear I can now set my own pace Up to this point my life has been a slow race...
How to Apply for Your Covid-19 Vaccine Religious Exemption Part 2!
At long last... How to Apply for Your Covid-19 Vaccine Religious Exemption Part 2! In my last article, "How to Apply for Your Covid-19...