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"Entity Magnet" Poem (A True Story!)

I once was an entity magnet Getting haunted by spirits and magic One had died in a terrible accident Whispered "DEAD" in my ear as a testament

I was deep in a meditation when this entity reached out to me He was crawling by my left side My hand felt his energy

The same week a reiki client had visited me for a session He encountered many tragic deaths His profession- an ambulance medic!

So as an entity magnet I picked up this very being while practicing my reiki on this client I was treating

This disembodied spirit was reaching out to me for help He was trapped in between worlds He desperately needed out

I started talking to this spirit I let him know I was aware but I didn't have the capacity to hear more words in my ear

But his energy was apparent and I tried my very best asking reiki spirits to remove him This proved a challenging test!

But then I started to feel bad I made this being upset I made him feel unwanted I apologized with regret

His energy felt familiar Perhaps in a past life I knew this troubled being So confused and wrought with strife

So I gave up for a while I let him hang around until I could discover how to help him leave this realm

The next day I was sitting at home in my parked car A feeling had come over me The answer was not far

I initiated distance healing and called on my new friend I spoke to him with love Let him know his pain would end

Then I spotted a dark shadow in my peripheral view racing around my car in circles frightened and askew

I felt his pain in my hands but soon that pain would die and the dark figure outside my car would all of a sudden turn to light

I healed a being in so much pain An entity I couldn't see Had turned from darkness into light and then I set him free!

I once was an entity magnet Getting haunted by spirits and magic One had died in a terrible accident Whispered "DEAD" in my ear as a testament

Jennie H is a Reiki Master Energy Healer, Co-Founder of Self Saviorz Society California Non-Profit 501(c)(3), Poet, Author and Entertainer with goals to help raise the vibration and consciousness of humanity!

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