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COMIC BOOK: "Adventures with Super Dottie Part 1!"

When I first met Dottie at the animal rescue/ sanctuary I knew that she was a very special and magical cat. She was small in stature and quite unassuming...but her energy was enormous! A scared and feral cat unaccustomed to being around people, Dottie was forced to live in a small cage, unadoptable, yet awaiting adoption for approximately 5 years. So I adopted her!

As an energy healer and empath I knew intuitively that Dottie was way more powerful than she appeared. Perhaps that fierce and indestructible look in her eyes gave her secret away to me. She had been through hell and back...lost her entire cat family and ended up in a cramped cage. But she refused to give up! She was a champion of survival! But her true powers would not become fully realized until years later when she was forced to abandon her weak and frail physical body and return to the spirit world once again! A true day of reckoning indeed!

On that fateful day Dottie was injected with a super serum that would elevate her energy to the next level of her evolution. She would awaken into a dimension where she would be free to utilize all the latent powers that until that moment lay dormant within her. She was no longer a tiny skittish sickly powerless Dottie. In that miraculous moment in time she transformed into Super elevated powerful feline being of love and light! A beacon of hope for feral rescue cats everywhere. With her resurrection into the spirit world nothing would ever be the same!

Stay tuned for Part 2!

Special Thanks to the Most High Divine Creator, Oni Olodumare, Infinite Intelligence, Divine Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, My Higher Self, The Sun, The Sun Deities, My Ancestors, My Spirit Guides/ Ancestral Pets: Dottie, Sara & Joey, Reiki Guides, Guardian Angels, Spiritual Parents, The Jade Emperor, The Medicine Buddha, Shronzen, Saint Expedite, The Orishas- Ogun, Elegua, and all of the Orishas who are helping me and guiding me and healing me, Lily, Billy, Sophie, my Ye Ming Zhu's, my synergy stones and all the beings of light and love that are helping me and guiding me and protecting me, whether I know your names or not, Roscoe, Felix, Darius, Lyric, our spiritual mentor, his team of psychic animal communicators, my Mom, my Dad, Ray, Diana...and anyone else I may have missed... and ofcourse my beautiful little Dottie cat spirit! Thank you all for making this book a wonderful success!

"It does not matter what you believe; it is the actions you take based on those beliefs that matters."

H. Spencer Lewis

Jennie H is a Reiki Master Energy Healer, Co-Founder of Self Saviorz Society California Non-Profit 501(c)(3), Poet, Author and Entertainer with goals to help raise the vibration and consciousness of humanity!

Dottie is an amazing cat spirit who left her physical body on October 23rd, 2024, but decided to stay with Jennie to experience the outside world, eat more delicious cat food and people food, help write this article and watch over her beloved soulmate Felix! She says that she's happier now that she's not in her physical body! She is no longer fearful of getting hurt and she can really enjoy life now! The after-life life!


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