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Defeating Fleas The Holistic Way! (And Possibly the Western/ Conventional Way IF Necessary)

So unfortunately I've been dealing with a major flea infestation for a while now. I think the problem is that I learned of this flea infestation a little too late in the game. I was dealing with my sick elderly cat which took my attention away from the fact that all 3 of my cats were very itchy! So be it! I finally figured out the problem and starting taking actions to battle it. The thing is... I don't like to use toxic chemicals... which makes the situation quite difficult honestly... but not impossible!

I've battled fleas before and I'm well aware that diatomaceous earth works wonder. But, unfortunately I was very low on diatomaceous earth when I discovered the problem... so I attempted to use a lemongrass spray by a company called Wondercide instead. I sprayed it on all the cat's beds and on the cats and even on myself and my hair! (Because even with a head wrap on my hair all the time my head was still itchy...) I wasted around $70 on the Wondercide spray. It did absolutely nothing. Well, it may have kept the mosquitos off of me while sun gazing... but that's about it! When I ran out of Wondercide Spray I started combing my cats with a flea comb daily with an apple cider vinegar/ water solution. I also sprayed my hair with the apple cider vinegar solution. That didn't work so great either though! I used the rest of my diatomaceous earth on the cat's beds... but it was not enough! All the carpets had to be immersed in diatomaceous earth as well. I was a bit reluctant to use the powder because it can harm the lungs... but I finally gave in and ordered another 4 lb bag on amazon!

In the meantime I asked my new holistic vet for her opinion. I received this response in my email:

Interesting that Wondercide and Diatomaceous earth are on this list in the Holistic section.... but I never heard of Buck Mountain Parasite Dust! So I purchased it! My 4 lb bag of diatomaceous earth arrived first and my roommate and I ended up immersing the whole apartment with this stuff while wearing a mask. In fact, the living room was immersed twice! With some vacuuming in between. It helped a bit...but my roommate was getting bit up pretty bad so he purchased LADIBUGS Lice Prevent Shampoo 32oz Family Size | Natural, Essential Oils, Sulfate-Free| Keep Lice Away! My friend/ roommate washed his entire body with this stuff twice in one evening and he swore that some fleas dove out of his scabs into the tub water. After he did that the fleas didn't bother him anymore which was great. I didn't have to hear him complain or threaten to bomb the apartment with toxic flea bombs. Meanwhile, I washed my hair and body with the same product and felt very itchy that night so I haven't used it since.

The Bucks Mountain Parasite Dust finally arrived! It has a peppery scent to it. I put it all over my cats and on their beds and on some other spots... I even sprinkled the dust on my bed and in my emf sleep hood. I slept very well that night and didn't itch at all! The next day two of my cats were barely scratching but my one little female cat was still very itchy! I gave them all a flea combing to see what was going on! My one boy cat had two or three fleas on him but they appeared to be weak. One looked like a baby! Some eggs must've hatched! Yuck! My other boy cat still had two or three on him as well... they were a little healthier...and finally my female cat still had a bunch of fleas on her... She was the worst! She had been hiding under my bed a lot trying to avoid being combed.... so they all got immersed in Bucks Mountain parasite Dust again... and I sprinkled a bunch under my bed where my cats hang out and hide from me! Yes, I've been annoying them a lot trying to remove the fleas!

I hate to say it... but pretty soon if things don't improve... I will be moving on to conventional Revolution flea treatment for cats! I know it works. I've used it before many many years ago. I hope I don't have to though... but we shall see... TO BE CONTINUED!~

Jennie H is a Reiki Master Energy Healer, Co-Founder of Self Saviorz Society California Non-Profit 501(c)(3), Poet, Author and Entertainer with goals to help raise the vibration and consciousness of humanity!


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