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Did I Actually Just Discover The Real Way to Discharge Debt?

It's been many years that I have patiently awaited an accurate debt discharge remedy. This amazing life-changing procedure has been hidden very well from the public. Many gurus claim to know the remedy but charge exorbitant amounts of money to disclose the big secret. There's also plenty of misinformation floating around. It can all get very confusing. So why is it that we all must remain debt slaves when a real solution exists to resolve this great dilemma?

No, life is not fair for most of us! However, it's even worse for the close-minded masses who could never even dream of living free! I am one of the lucky few that is brave and intelligent enough to ask difficult questions and demand accurate answers! And so... as the old saying goes... Ask and you shall receive!

Just as I was about to hit a momentous chapter in The Zero Percent book by Du'vaul Dey, I had become distracted by Jonah Bey's Trust Webinar PDF Transcript. But something urged me to go back and read Chapter 5 of Zero percent- and wow! I'm sure glad I did! There it was...clear as day! A very professional, organized, complete and easy to understand debt discharge method! I couldn't believe it! Could this seriously be a real remedy to alleviate debt? For the cost of $15.39 for a paperback? The truth is, I won't know for sure until I try it. But it makes sense. It feels right and my intuition is typically on point.

According to Du'vaul Dey, before proceeding with the discharge process, one must first send a written notification to the CEO of the company that they owe money to explaining that they are about to send them a note with a restrictive endorsement. A restrictive endorsement turns a negotiable instrument into a non-negotiable instrument, and basically pays off your entire debt!

The restrictive endorsement is supposed to be written on a postal money order purchased for the amount of money that is due monthly towards the total bill in question. Then one must file a U.C.C. 3 financing statement amendment for their Foreign Express Trust's U.C.C. 1 financing statement. Then the U.C.C. 1 and U.C.C. 3 gets certified by the Secretary of State.

Interestingly, the discharge package gets mailed to the Post Master General in Washington D. C. So why would one bother to use a postal money order with a restrictive endorsement and send it to the Post Master General? The reason is because the Post office has a contractual relationship with the United States Treasury via the Post Master General and the Post office is the closest form of lawful money from the U.S. treasury that we Americans have available at our disposal.

It's important to note that one cannot accurately discharge their debts using this procedure without having a Foreign Express Trust filed with all the appropriate government agencies... including the U.C.C. 1 filing. However, this fabulous Foreign Express Trust can easily be obtained through Understand Contract Law and You Win (UCL). They actually do a wonderful job and are highly recommended. The Zero Percent book also explains the process of setting up the trust as well as Jonah Bey who will provide you with information and templates for a nice hefty fee. So there are options available if you know where to look...

To be continued...

Jennie H is a Reiki Master Energy Healer, Co-Founder of Self Saviorz Society California Non-Profit 501(c)(3), Poet, Author and Entertainer with goals to help raise the vibration and consciousness of humanity!


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