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Help Kat Recover from Vax injury!

My best guy friend just sent me a Go Fund Me Fundraiser for his friend's friend Katarina Pavelek who is suffering tremendously after taking the Johnson and Johnson Booster Vaccine this past February 2022. Please listen to what this young lady has to say and please help out if you can:

Hello everyone,

I am doing this fundraiser for myself as I am bedridden for 8 months now since receiving J&J booster vaccine shot on Feb 26th 2022 that was mandated at my job. Prior to receiving the shot I was happy, healthy and working as stand in in Los Angeles. After receiving booster I started having severe chest pains, digestive issues, tremors, muscle spasms, period changes, severe insomnia and complete weakness. All these issues now resulted in extreme muscle weakness, weight loss, I feel constant pressure in chest and abdomen, I lost my period and I am unable to gain strength to this day. I went from working 12 hour days to not being able to drive, shop, cook, do laundry or take my garbage out. I feel Im getting weaker and weaker. I have been to ER numerous times, I have been going to doctors and specialists but so far there hasn't been much improvement. I was diagnosed with tachycardia and unspecified neuromuscular auto immune illness and I am still doing tests. As I am unable to work 8 months now and I have no income I am in need of help with paying for stem cell treatment which is recommended for neurological illnesses as well as living expenses. I would like to ask for your donations to help me get my life back. Thank you everyone for taking time to read and for any donations I appreciate it. Below are more photos of me now and when I was healthy thank you again.

To make a donation please go to:

Thanks for your support!


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