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"Hip Hop" (My Epiphany) The First Song I Ever Wrote over 20 Years Ago!

Just the other day my Epiphany took place

No longer in fear I can now set my own pace

Up to this point my life has been a slow race

Almost like a guitarist without his lead bass

Coming face to face with what is truly real to me

Hip Hop is my first love and that's the deal you see

Without the heart beat my blood would stop pumping

Without the drum beat my mind would stop bumping

and in essence my flows, my flows would stop coming

out of my mind I find would completely disintegrate

like a math problem without the equate

and now I can't even hesitate to say my Love ain't true

Hip Hop if you're there for me I'll be there for you

Hip Hop if you're there for me I'll be there for you

True blue and sky high my rhymes will multiply until I die

but live forever in other peoples lives

Husbands, wives, our great grandchildren and such

will give much appreciation and keep in touch

with what is truly real, poetry from the heart

Expressing our thoughts and emotions we all must start

to open our minds and search for our lives focus

not live a fake reality involved in hocus pocus

A job for a locust, not I the human being

over seeing my dreaming and making it a reality

Fallacy into non-fiction

Hip Hop you're my true addiction

and what better way to say what I have to say

Pray the way we were meant to pray

Live the way we were meant to live today

and are you really hearing all that I have to say

or should I stop now and start back another day

We all come to that point in our evolution

when we decide to stop filling our minds up with pollution

a solution to this physical concept we call life

Trifling existence, an abundance of uptight

and rather greedy constituents pursuing false hopes

and yet we all cope

some hang themselves from ropes

and what can we say for ourselves to truly be free

Hip Hop I'll be there for you if you are there for me

and now, and now I can't even hesitate to say my Love ain't true

Hip Hop if you're there for me I'll be there for you

Hip Hop, Hip Hop, if you're there, if you're there for me

I said Hip Hop if you're there for me

I said Hip Hop

AFTER THOUGHT: In this song that I wrote approximately 20 years ago "Hip Hop" actually means "God" (or the Infinite Intelligence/ Divine Consciousness/ Divine Creator, etc.) and back then I didn't realize it yet, but I can't die. There is no death! So my rhymes will multiply until my spirit/ consciousness leaves my physical body (if that happens). And my rhymes (or my thoughts/ consciousness) is eternal, infinite and will never cease to exist! Hope you enjoyed that blast from the past! This is how it all started folks...with a simple Epiphany!

Jennie H is a Reiki Master Energy Healer, Co-Founder of Self Saviorz Society California Non-Profit 501(c)(3), Poet, Author and Entertainer with goals to help raise the vibration and consciousness of humanity!


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