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My Super Powerful, Magical, Kabbalistic Passover/ Festival of Matzos!

I've been channeling a seriously high level of energy this Passover (aka Pesach aka the Festival of Matzos)! Unlike anything I've ever felt or experienced before! My first seder on Friday night lasted 5 hours! Wow! How did that happen? I was praying for a full 2 1/2 hours before I even got up to the meal. And my poor cats, all three of them were my audience, waiting to eat just like me! That's right, I did the seder all by myself! Well, there were no other humans present... Just my three beautiful patient cats, until my friend showed up later towards the end! But he wasn't really there! lol I didn't realize how long it would take me to recite the prayers as I've never actually performed a full seder.... And I've never actually performed a seder reading from both English and Hebrew. No transliterations! I was seriously reading Hebrew! I realized at a point however that I had to stop reading all the Hebrew and only read the important Hebrew prayers because my Hebrew reading skills are not quite up to par. With this in mind, the 2nd seder only lasted me 3 hours! I had to cut out some Hebrew for sure! And the cats were fed before I started the seder on the 2nd night so I didn't have to feel their tense energy focused on me the entire time! Ha ha! Poor cats! Poor spiritually enlightened cats!

This year's seder(s) was a vast improvement in comparison to last year's seder(s). Last year I printed out a picture of a seder plate to be used on the table! Ha ha! I wasn't really prepared... but I was trying my best you know? This year I used an actual seder set that my father purchased for me for my birthday. It was beautiful! (Thanks dad!) Last year I read an abridged version of the Haggadah with english transliterations... no actual Hebrew! It was so short and sweet. I was probably eating within 15 minutes. I had absolutely no idea how long the real Haggadah is. Wow! What a difference! This year's seder was definitely a great challenge! A great feat never before performed my myself in this lifetime! But what made this year's seder(s) so special is the fact that I was reading from "The Kabbalah Haggadah" by Yehuda Berg. So not only was I performing a full seder, by myself (with my 3 cats), but I was performing a mystical kabbalistic seder at that! But to truly give you an understanding of the work I put into this seder I must start from the very beginning.

Approximately 2 weeks before passover, I started listening to Tybro's Attunement To Higher Consciousness package. By passover week I was up to Attunement #2 Sorisicum: This attunement begins the opening of consciousness to the fourth dimensional worlds around our planet. After using this attunement for one week, your dreams will change. I did start to have some interesting dreams...and at one point, my dream appeared to be an astral travel (probably because I was wearing The First Medallion when I fell asleep. The First Medallion aids in astral travel.

In order to prepare for passover I printed out as much information as I could. I wanted to make sure I did everything right this time. I also printed out all the torah portions with commentary for the week of passover. I had three seder books sitting on my dining room table on top of a Spiritual Power Tablet. The spiritual power tablet helps to increase one's spiritual power and energy. FYI I've also placed this tablet on my solar altar, Jade Emperor/ Ancestor Altar, under my bed, in my mediation pyramid under two love/ protection shrines that I created for close family members, and under my reiki distance healing crystal grid. And yes, they work!

On one of the days leading up to passover I was guided to send reiki distance healing to some very specific kabbalistic angels (that I pray to daily) in order to connect with them and receive their assistance. At this point the energy started becoming very magical. I was definitely connecting with some high frequencies. On the day before passover, after performing the ritualistic search for leaven (bread), which I had never done before by the way, I was guided to place the Kabbalistic 72 names of God on my spiritual altar. Then I was guided to place a photo of myself and two of my family members on very specific names of God. I started to feel immense energy and tingling sensations in my head. Something was shifting for sure! Then I added one of my powerful ye ming zhu stones to the photos. Wow! Intense! Around the same time I was guided to place my synergy stones on top of my seder books on the dining room table. Now these synergy stones are no joke. If I dabble with them enough times I will get a headache. They are super high frequency. I usually just keep them under my meditation pyramid. I can only really hold them in my hands and meditate with them about once every month or two or three. That's how strong they are. So I put my synergy stones to work for passover.

On the day of passover I was super exhausted for some reason. Maybe I was doing too much. I was a bit drained. But I had to keep going... So I added my ye ming zhu stone to the synergy stones on top of the seder books on top of the spiritual tablet on the dining room table. Yeah! It was getting serious. I attempted to perform a leaven/ bread burning ritual in the morning, but unfortunately the bread wouldn't burn! Wow! What a bummer! So I burned a piece of paper next to the bread and said the prayer anyway. Then I placed the bag of bread outside my front door and said the prayer one more time. The leaven/ bread represents an inflated ego, sin and erroneous thinking. For the week of passover we don't eat leaven/ bread, only unleavened bread aka matza. By burning the leavened bread, or simply throwing it away, we are ritualistically doing away with our inflated egos, sin and erroneous thinking.

After the bread ritual, that didn't go quite as planned, and after eating breakfast, feeding the cats, preparing all the necessary food items for passover and performing some other rituals, I just couldn't go on anymore.... My eyes were closing. I was zonked. I was hoping I could take a cleansing bath but it just wasn't happening. I had to take a nap. So I removed the ye ming zhu and synergy stones from the table and I placed the ye ming zhu on my head and the synergy stones on my solar plexus and I took a super charged nap in my meditation pyramid. Oh, I forgot to mention...I was also wearing my First Medallion and my Miracle Medallion... I'm always wearing some kind of protection medallion for sure! I also had the Magical Enhancer audio playing in the background. So I set my clock, took my nap and woke up. Something told me to send reiki distance healing to the seder(s), to my family members, friends and to myself. I took a few minutes to do so. Then I took a shower and washed my hair so I could be nice and clean for God and his angels. I put on some very comfortable white pajamas and then I got the seder plate prepared... At this point I was feeling a bit feverish! I was slightly overwhelmed and nervous. I wanted to get this seder right. It felt very important to me for some reason. I could feel the immense energy and I just wanted to channel all of it for the greater good for myself and for all those I care for... and for the world.

At the very last moment I decided to place hyssop oil on all my chakras. Then I burned some palo santo and moldavite incense. It was a super duper intense atmosphere! Finally, I nervously lit the two passover candles, recited the holiday/ shabbat prayer and then I recited a prayer called "Leshem Yichud" from the Kabbalah Haggadah book. This prayer works to unite our thoughts and our actions with the Light and The Upper Worlds and helps keep us true to our positive thoughts and intentions, especially the day after the seder. I recited the Hebrew first and then I recited the English. I felt very hot and then I started to cry as I was reading the English. I was overwhelmed with emotion. I barely understood what I was saying but I could feel the energy on the words and I knew I had tapped into something immense. As I was reciting the prayer I could see the candle lights get brighter out of my peripheral which allowed me to know that I had made the connection.

Overall, it was a wonderful seder! I channeled so much energy... I couldn't believe it. And although the 2nd night didn't feel as strong as the first, it was still super magical as well. In fact, the whole week has been super magical for me ! And I'm still looking forward to the energy of this Thursday night through Saturday night... Day 7 and 8 of Passover! That's right! We're still in it! Til next time! Passover blessings to everyone! Happy Festival of Matzos!

Jennie H is a Reiki Master Energy Healer, Co-Founder of Self Saviorz Society California Non-Profit 501(c)(3), Poet, Author and Entertainer with goals to help raise the vibration and consciousness of humanity!


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