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Planning My Step Daughter's Very First Birthday Party!

Right in the midst of my amazing spiritual journey on this fine prison planet, affectionately referred to as earth, I find myself pre-occupied with the mundane aspects of being a human being. I find myself deeply engaged in planning a birthday party for my 6 year old step daughter who turns 7 on Sunday March 5th. This is going to be a very important (bitter sweet) birthday for my step daughter because it will be the first birthday that she celebrates without her biological mother who passed away from a drug overdose last May. It will also be her first birthday without her grandmother (her mother's mother) and without the rest of the Armenian side of her family. My step daughter has been living with her biological father and myself for approx. the past 8 months... and believe you me it has not been easy! I have been doing my very best to take on the role of mother without being too pushy about it. Ofcourse my step daughter always has to remind me, often in a rude tone, that I'm not her real mother. And that's totally acceptable. She's been through a lot of trauma. All I can do is try to be there for her and show her that she's loved.

Another reason why this birthday celebration is so very important is because it will be my step daughter's first birthday party ever. She just admitted to me the other day that she never actually had a birthday party. I suppose planning a birthday party was just too labor intensive for her biological mother and grandmother. They also all lived in a very small space together. I am blessed to live in an apartment complex that has a recreation room that can be reserved for parties. And that's exactly what I did!

I am actually super excited about this birthday party for another reason... I have never actually planned a birthday party for anyone ever! So this will be something new for me. I decided to go with an LOL Doll theme which my step daughter agreed with. So I purchased an LOL table clothe, LOL plates, LOL napkins, an LOL Birthday banner and an LOL Doll self standing balloon. My step daughter also loves arts and crafts, particularly painting, so I came up with a fun arts and crafts project for the kids. I purchased wood picture frames, jewelry boxes and bird houses for the kids to paint with tempera paint sticks and paint pens. I will also supply them with stickers for their artwork, including LOL stickers ofcourse! I also purchased LOL tattoos! A very nice lady that manages the 99 cent store actually handed me a bag of tutus and pens for little girls for FREE! However, unfortunately the tutus are too large. I will have to sew them to make them fit the kids... But I'm not sure that I will find the time to do this? At the very least I will sew my step daughter's tutu so she can wear it to school on Friday and to her birthday party on Sunday.

We will also have pizza, cake and icecream! Ofcourse I won't be able to eat any of it! I can't eat garbage. And to be honest I feel a little guilty that I'm feeding this garbage to innocent children... but this is the world that we live in! Little kids go to birthday parties all the times and eat junk. It's a part of growing up on planet earth. So be it!

So that's the story! This weekend I'm about to make a little girl very happy. Can anything be more important than that?

Jennie H is a Reiki Master Energy Healer, Co-Founder of Self Saviorz Society California Non-Profit 501(c)(3), Poet, Author and Entertainer with goals to help raise the vibration and consciousness of humanity!


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