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Repentance For Yom Kippur... I'm Sorry! Will You Please Forgive Me?

I would like to publicly apologize to all those I may have wronged whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future. If I have hurt you I am sorry. I sincerely ask for your forgiveness. And for all those who may have wronged me intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future, I forgive you.

Dear Mom, will you please forgive me for being a difficult child? I know I made life hard for you when I was younger. And I realize that even in my adult years I have had my faults and have not turned out quite the way you had expected or hoped I would be. Will you please forgive me? And likewise, I forgive you mom for anything you may have done to hurt me whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future.

Dear Dad, will you please forgive me for all of the painful years of bitter arguments that transpired between myself and your wife? I'm sorry that I was unable to get along with her. I realize I made things very hard on you and that your relationship with your wife may have suffered because of me. I'm sorry for all the problems I may have caused. Will you please forgive me? And likewise, I forgive you both for anything you may have done to hurt me whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future.

And to my dad's wife I apologize as well... Will you please forgive me? And likewise, I forgive you both for anything you may have done to hurt me whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future.

Dear best friend, my business partner and my spiritual mentor, these past 20ish years of our relationship have not been easy. I am sorry for the difficult times. I am sorry for the times when my mood disorder had got the best of me. I'm sorry for any and all wrongs I may have committed in our relationship whether intentionally or unintentionally, past, present and future. Will you please forgive me? And likewise, I forgive you for anything you may have done to hurt me whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future.

Dear step daughter, you just moved in with me a few months ago. It's been a time of transition for all of us and it's been very challenging to say the least. I'm sorry for the times I've yelled at you. I'm sorry for the times I've become angry with you. And most importantly, I am sorry for not spending as much time with you as you would like me to. Will you please forgive me? And likewise, I forgive you for anything you may have done to hurt me whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future.

Dear Grandma Cynthia, may you rest in peace. I'm sorry that I was too loud and made things difficult for you, especially with your relationship with your neighbor/ friend Irma, when I spent time at your apartment as a young child. I'm sorry that I decided that I didn't want to come over to visit you anymore after I felt your irritation being directed at me. I'm sorry if I wasn't the wonderful grandchild that you hoped I would be. Will you please forgive me? And likewise, I forgive you for anything you may have done to hurt me whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future.

Dear Grandma Pola, may you rest in peace. I'm sorry I didn't have the power to ease your suffering while you were still alive. And I'm sorry if I didn't visit you at the nursing home as much as I should have. Will you please forgive me? And likewise, I forgive you for anything you may have done to hurt me whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future.

Dear Grandfather Max and Grandfather Maurice, may you both rest in peace. I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to know either one of you while you were alive. Perhaps we shall meet in another lifetime? Will you please forgive me? And likewise, I forgive you for anything you may have done to hurt me whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future.

Dear Aunt Fungche, Cousin Max and Cousin David, I'm sorry we don't stay in touch anymore. I'm sorry we all drifted apart after the death of Uncle Allen. We were a family once and I'm sorry that that's not the case anymore. Will you please forgive me? And likewise, I forgive you for anything you may have done to hurt me whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future.

Dear Uncle Allen, may you rest in peace. I'm sorry I didn't have the power to ease your suffering while you were still alive. I'm sorry that I was unable to prevent your untimely death at the alcohol rehabilitation center. Will you please forgive me? And likewise, I forgive you for anything you may have done to hurt me whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future.

Dear Aunt Louise, Uncle Jack and Cousin Andrew, I'm sorry that I do not keep in touch with any of you anymore. The last time you visited me a few years back (Aunt Louise and Uncle Jack) I realized that your energy (Aunt Louise) was just too toxic and negative for me to endure and so I just decided to keep my distance from both of you. I'm sorry that we cannot be a family. Will you please forgive me? And likewise, I forgive you for anything you may have done to hurt me whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future.

And to my 3 beautiful cats Roscoe, Felix and Dottie, I would never purposely hurt or upset any of you... but if there's anything I've ever done to hurt or upset you... I am sorry. Will you please forgive me? And likewise, I forgive you for anything you may have done to hurt me whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future.

To my dearest cat Sara, may you rest in peace. I'm sorry for saying goodbye to you over the telephone instead of in person. I wish I had been with you one last time before your passing. Will you please forgive me? And likewise, I forgive you for anything you may have done to hurt me whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future.

To my dearest cat Goofy, may you rest in peace. I'm sorry that my mother euthanized you because of my asthma attack. Will you please forgive me? And likewise, I forgive you for anything you may have done to hurt me whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future.

To my dearest parrot Joey, I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you the way you needed me to be. Will you please forgive me? And likewise, I forgive you for anything you may have done to hurt me whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future.

To my dearest parakeets Angel and both Angelica's, I'm sorry that I wasn't paying attention to you the way I should've been. I'm sorry that I didn't purchase a 2nd cuttlebone for your bird cage which would have prevented both Angelica's pain, suffering and finally death. I didn't realize that male birds were territorial over the cuttlebone. I made a huge mistake. Will you all please forgive me? And likewise, I forgive you for anything you may have done to hurt me whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future.

To the dear dog that followed me home from Junior High School one day, I'm sorry that I got mad at you for scratching my cat. I'm sorry for leading you back outside of my home and leaving you stranded by yourself on the street. Will you please forgive me? And likewise, I forgive you for anything you may have done to hurt me whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future.

To the dear stray cat that I hit with my car many years ago (and probably killed... hopefully it was quick and painless), I should've slowed down and allowed you to cross the boulevard. But I was in a hurry, so instead I sped up hoping to pass you before you got to me. I made a huge mistake. Will you please forgive me? And likewise, I forgive you for anything you may have done to hurt me whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future.

Dear Randi, my old best friend from sleep away camp many years ago. I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you in your time of need, and because of that our friendship suffered and was never the same ever again. I am sorry Randi. Will you please forgive me? And likewise, I forgive you for anything you may have done to hurt me whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future.

Dear Cynthia, my old best friend from New York, we moved out to Los Angeles together but we had our issues and so I decided to separate from you and stop being your friend. I am sorry Cynthia. Will you please forgive me? And likewise, I forgive you for anything you may have done to hurt me whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future.

Dear Kimberly, my old friend from elementary school, I believe we were in the 2nd grade when I became angry at you because you didn't want to be my friend anymore. I stole your winter coat out of the classroom closet and threw it away. I am sorry Kimberly. Will you please forgive me? And likewise, I forgive you for anything you may have done to hurt me whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future.

To all the insects that I may have injured or killed or caused to suffer, whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, present and future... (especially the big cockroach I sprayed with raid when I first moved into my apartment, the beetle that my cat injured that I tried to euthanize quickly but it didn't work out that way and I caused you to suffer, the ant that got stuck in the tape that I ended up euthanizing, the injured bee that I recently euthanized, and the bee that just stung me the other day because I was being too aggressive with him...I'm sorry!) Will you please forgive me? And likewise, I forgive you for anything you may have done to hurt me whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future.

To the bird that my cat Roscoe caught on the balcony a few years ago, I'm sorry that I was unable to save you from my cat. Will you please forgive me? And likewise, I forgive you for anything you may have done to hurt me whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future.

To the neighbor who lives under me, I'm sorry that I reported you to the manager of our apartment complex and then went on to talk a lot of sh*t about you to everyone at the leasing office. That was wrong of me and I shouldn't have done that. I am sorry. Will you please forgive me? And likewise, I forgive you for anything you may have done to hurt me whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future.

And to my neighbor's wife, I'm sorry that I started feeding squirrels on my balcony which led to squirrels going onto your balcony and into your apartment eating up your plants and upsetting you and your husband. Will you please forgive me? And likewise, I forgive you for anything you may have done to hurt me whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future.

And to my other neighbor who I snapped at when he and his daughter gave me a whole speech about not feeding the squirrels. I'm sorry I got angry at you both and reacted in a negative way. Will you please forgive me? And likewise, I forgive you for anything you may have done to hurt me whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future.

To any and all of my friends and/or boyfriends/ lovers and/or strangers and/or neighbors or any and all people, animals, vegetables, fruits, minerals, insects, water, air ,earth, fire, inanimate objects... protons, neutrons, electrons, God particles, spirits, Gods, angels, demons, entities (whether positive or negative)... anything and everything that I may have wronged, lied to, spoken badly about (evil tongue), withheld information from, caused to suffer, injured physically, mentally, emotionally, financially or spiritually or in some other way that I'm not aware of... whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future,... Will you please forgive me? And likewise, I forgive you for anything you may have done to hurt me whether intentionally or unintentionally, known or unknown, past, present and future.

And perhaps most importantly, I apologize to the most high divine creator for all of the wrongs that I have committed whether intentional or unintentional, whether known or unknown... past, present and future... Will you please forgive me? And I thank you for all the lessons you've provided me with to help me to understand that I was wrong. And I forgive you for any and all lessons that have been unpleasant and even painful for me to endure... for without these lessons how could I learn to be the best version of myself that I can possibly be? How could I learn to be like you? Thank you creator (Hashem)! Your lessons are a true blessing!

And finally I apologize to myself for all the wrongs I've committed against others and all the wrongs I've committed against myself! Will you please forgive me? Yes! I forgive you! I forgive myself! Thank you! Thank me!

Okay, I think I've covered all of my bases... G’mar chatima tova! May you be sealed in the book of life!

Jennie H is a Reiki Master Energy Healer, Co-Founder of Self Saviorz Society California Non-Profit 501(c)(3), Poet, Author and Entertainer with goals to help raise the vibration and consciousness of humanity!


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