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Science, Buddhism, Compassion, Longevity, Freedom & Money!

Yes, the title to this article is a bit all over the place, but I assure you that there is a method to my madness. These words: "Science, Buddhism, Compassion, Longevity, Freedom & Money" are simply puzzle pieces that have recently fit together for me in perfect synchronicity. A few weeks ago when I was visiting my dad and his wife in Long Island, I had a very interesting/ positive conversation with a guy who worked at the hotel I was staying at. He recommended a book to me called "The Quantum and the Lotus: A Journey to the Frontiers Where Science and Buddhism Meet" by Matthieu Ricard and Trinh Xuan Thuan. During that same trip, a family friend, who knows that I'm all into health, recommended two health gurus to me. One of the health gurus is a doctor named Peter Attia. His New York Times Best Seller "Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity" piqued my interest. In an instant I decided to purchase both books on amazon.

I found it interesting how science came up twice! I just finished reading the first book "The Quantum and The Lotus" and started the 2nd book "Outlive" on Sunday. All the while I've been dealing with a health crisis with my elderly cat Dottie. One of the major concerns mentioned in "The Quantum and The Lotus" is that without compassion for humanity (compassion is also known as "Karuna" in Sanskrit and is a central and fundamental tenet of Buddhism) science can (and has been) used in a negative, dangerous, unethical and detrimental way. One example is the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Tuskegee syphilis study is another example. Ofcourse science has also been used to help society, and one good example is helping people to live longer and healthier...thus Dr. Peter Attia's 'Outlive' book which is basically saying what I've been saying all along! Why wait to get sick when you can take actions to prevent getting sick in the first place? Peter Attia calls it being proactive! (And Medicine 3.0.) It's a no-brainer to me! I'm not even half way through the book yet but I can say this... Fasting, exercising and the drug rapamycin! These are ways to live longer and healthier. He says it's important to not only increase your lifespan but also your health span. Without good health, living longer can be very unenjoyable to say the least. Who wants that? It's important to have both good health and longevity!

Besides reading these wonderful enlightening books, on Saturday I was introduced to a hilarious, yet super serious freedom website called I decided to sign up for the free course! Supposedly I'm about to learn how to get diplomatic license plates for my car...and other important stuff. However, my close friend says that the diplomatic plates just lead to being pulled over more often and that it's not a good idea. I do seem to be doing quite well with my super injunction, secured party creditor status and diplomatic passport...but I digress!

Speaking of compassion and science... lifespan and health span... How about money span? I mean what's the point of having unbound compassion, living a long life in excellent health if you are not financially free? I believe that if we want to express ourselves fully, exhibit unbound compassion and help to ease suffering in the world we need money! Money span! So today I was reading up on 31 CFR Part 363- Regulations Governing Securities Held in TreasuryDirect, Tamika's Paths to Freedom: Paths Securities, Private side of the bank, a securities agreement for a securities account and what "pay to the order of" actually means... I've also been told to study the Series 7 study guide and the Trust Indenture Act of 1939. Why you ask? I am doing this in an attempt to understand how to stamp, endorse and wire a definitive security (aka paper bill) to my TDA (TreasuryDirect account) through a broker or intermediary bank. Revocation of Power of Attorney, etc... Then the bill gets paid and I get money...lots of it! Supposedly this can also be done with a birth certificate and death certificate as well! that's how you liquidate the birth certificate bond! When my team of freedom fighters and I figure this all out we will greatly increase our money span. Then we will have all the money we need to express our unbound compassion, help the world, live longer, healthier, freer (is that a word? and in a happier and more productive manner whereby living out our soul's purpose in this lifetime. Money span! Let's make a science of that!

But back to compassion...I watched with great joy today as my cat Roscoe, who used to bully my cat Dottie, walked up to her as she sat on the balcony and gently licked her on the head before he sat down to lick himself. In all of the 11 years that I've had Dottie with me I've never seen Roscoe behave so lovingly towards her. Roscoe is a good cat, but he gets jealous sometimes. Dottie has been getting a lot of attention lately and Roscoe should technically be jealous... but instead, my beloved Roscoe has evolved into a beautiful loving sympathetic fellow. Every evening my wonderful healing cat Felix, who knows very well what it's like to be sick, sits close to Dottie and stays near her to comfort her in her time of need. These simple acts of compassion exemplified by my two elderly cats is what our world needs more of! Is it really that hard? If my cats can be compassionate... why not people? Why can't we all live in great health, abundance, peace, joy and unbound compassion? I believe it's possible! My 3 amazing cats give me hope!

Jennie H is a Reiki Master Energy Healer, Co-Founder of Self Saviorz Society California Non-Profit 501(c)(3), Poet, Author and Entertainer with goals to help raise the vibration and consciousness of humanity!


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