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Sun Gazing, Ants, Fleas, Flies, a Weirdo and a New Rodent Friend! Happy Full Moon!

The last 2 weeks or so have been a bit of a doozy... That's why you haven't received a new blog article until now! And so I've been analyzing the situation and trying to wrap my mind around what's been going on. I think it all started on August 25th... My 68th day of sun gazing! It was a Sunday and I was sun gazing in a nearby park at an inhospitable location next to a golf course. Someone had been leaving broken glass on the exact spot on the ground that I stand on with bare feet. I was lucky enough to spot the glass both times... Well, something warned me to look down! I was quite surprised! That day I was relentlessly harassed by a man who drove up to me while I was in meditation. He was telling me that I had to leave, but I couldn't leave... I was in the middle of a ritual. So I simply told him that I was meditating and proceeded to ignore him. It was hard on my energy. He stalked me for a good 5 to 10 minutes or more? I could feel his angry stare piercing into my energy. He finally left. After I was done with my ritual I noticed a man who looked official standing nearby on a hill overlooking the park. I walked up to him and asked him if he worked there. He told me "Yes" so I explained to him about the harassment and the broken glass. After a really long and very positive chat, the man finally admitted to me that he didn't work there at all. That was pretty creepy! He told me he had to ride his motorcycle to the bottom of the hill and that he would meet me there to talk more... I detoured up a steep trail nearby intuitively escaping this weirdo and searching for a new and safer sun gazing spot.

I found what I had been looking for at the top of the trail! A gorgeous perfect sun gazing spot! I immediately marked my territory by clearing a circle in the ground and surrounding it with rocks. That night I dreamt of my new sun gazing location. I knew I was destined to be there. The next day, Day 69 of sun gazing, I woke up extra early and got to my location before the sun even began to rise. As the sun began to rise the vision was breathtaking and tears came to my eyes. I knew I was home! But over the next few days the ants were relentlessly annoying me... climbing up my legs and disrupting my meditation so I decided that I needed to take action. I didn't want to hurt the sweet little darlings... just make them go away! On Day 72, 4 days after discovering my new morning paradise, I dumped diatomaceous earth all over my sun gazing circle. FYI... When ants come into contact with diatomaceous earth, the particles stick to their exoskeletons, damaging the protective layer and causing them to lose water. The ants eventually dry out and die. I felt bad, but then again, I didn't know what else to do. The ants were a real pain. I asked the spirits to send lots of healing energy to these ants so that they wouldn't suffer... The whole thing didn't sit that well with me though... But I was relieved to possibly find a solution to my problem.

However, the very next day something strange happened! A young (maybe 30 or so year old) man and his two dogs walked very close to where I was standing... and just sat there while I was meditating. The energy was quite uncomfortable and imposing but I tried to ignore it. I felt that the man wanted to speak to me... perhaps ask me questions and maybe even learn from me? But his energy didn't feel right. I was relieved when I heard him get up and walk away with his two dogs. As he walked down the hill I glanced over at him just to see what he looked like... As I did this he turned around and looked back at me. I felt an energy like he wanted to hide somewhere and wait for me. But thankfully that didn't happen!

That Sunday, Day 75, I decided to elaborate on the rocks surrounding my sun gazing circle just to change the energy up a bit and really claim my territory. However, I must've been very affected by this weird guy's energy because I got the worst headache... and on sun gazing day 76 and 77 I couldn't even get out of bed to sun gaze. I had been dealing with a lot though... and I was a bit stressed. My elderly cat Dottie had been very sick and I was trying to tend to her. The food that the vet prescribed for her was taking forever to arrive and so was the Chinese herb that was prescribed for her. When I finally got back to my circle on Day 78, someone had destroyed the whole thing... rocks thrown everywhere... but my white circle still existed! Thanks to diatomaceous earth which is white! This weird guy's energy must've affected the energy of my sacred space!

However, on Day 78 I heard a rodent shuffling around behind me while sun gazing... but when I turned to look I didn't see anything! Mind you, there's a bunch of holes in the ground where I sun gaze. I just never saw anything come out of the ground! And up until that point I didn't hear anything! But On Day 79 flies started attacking me while I was sun gazing... and my cat Dottie was vomiting up her food! On Day 80 I heard the shuffling noise in and on the ground behind me again. This time when I turned to look I locked eyes with a cute little rodent. I thought he was a mole at first... but then realized later on that he might be a ground hog. After locking eyes I turned around to face the sun and then when I turned around again the little guy was gone. Then I would turn around again and he would be staring at me... Then when I turned to face the sun he would disappear. We did this a few times! He seemed a bit skiddish but we were getting to know each other I suppose? I placed some walnuts by his hole before I left. Perhaps we could be friends? This same day I drank some protein powder and coconut milk and got food poisoning for around 6 hours! Oy!

On Day 81, I became inspired to start a new exercise regimen and intermittent fasting based on reading Dr. Peter Attia's book "Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity." That night I felt like something had visited me while I was sleeping. I felt something heavy on my neck... as if a cat was sleeping on my neck... I simply ignored it... On Day 82 I swam for 30 minutes... My first real swim in many many months! I also started fasting for approximately 19 hours a day. I felt revived! It was a magical occasion.

Day 83 of sun gazing, just 10 days after the weird guy appeared with the two dogs, and casually sat right by me, I had a weird dream about going to a kosher restaurant and being embarrassed that I wasn't dressed conservatively enough. I felt like my Jewish ancestors were visiting me in the dream for some reason. My clock was off that day and I got to my sun gazing location later than usual. As I was walking up my trail I saw a man and two dogs standing at my exact sun gazing location. I knew it was the guy who had sat near me just 10 days earlier. I was highly annoyed but realized that I had to keep my cool, after all it is a public park... and I am a 5'4 110 pound female walking a trail by myself at 6:50 am. Thankfully he wasn't standing directly in my circle.... Upon arrival he was sitting right next to it... I approached the man and his dogs so that I could enter my white circle. His dogs backed up and whined a bit. They seemed a little fearful. I was angry. Perhaps I was now being rude though? But I didn't have much time to dilly dally. I had to hurry up and get my ritual under way so I could drive my step daughter to school on time. The guy was not upset. In fact, it seemed like he was hoping I would show up. Creepy! We engaged in a very brief chat, thankfully. He thought I was a sikkh. I told him that I wasn't one, but perhaps I was one in a past life. I think he lost interest in me at that point... Thank the heavens! He continued his meditation as I began mine... However, as soon as I placed reiki symbols around myself he was gone like the wind. I don't think reiki meshed well with his energy. I was glad. He made me feel a bit uncomfortable. Both times I ran into him it seemed like no one else was around.

That same day Dottie started her new food which she loved, but my cat Roscoe started vomiting and losing his appetite. The next day, Day 84 of sun gazing, I heard my little creature behind me shuffling around while I was sun gazing... but when I finally looked I didn't see anything. The flies were still annoying me... and Unfortunately I realized that day that I had a flea infestation. Oy! I also dropped my keys in a huge garbage bin and had to fish them out that morning. Terrible! But I managed to get my keys back. I was triumphant. My cat Dottie finally got her herbs, but my cat Roscoe was even worse and could barely eat. Was it this weird guy's energy? I'm thinking that's a possibility. But this guy also showed up after I placed diatomaceous earth on the ground... as if he was an angel of dark karma! And then after he showed up the second time I had fleas and ended up having to use the diatomaceous earth on them. How's that for karma? Super weird! And I really am against killing anything... so killing the ants followed by the fleas was slightly upsetting for me. I knew intuitively that I had to fix my karma or else this weirdo angel might show up again to annoy me at my sun gazing spot! Am I imagining all of this? lol Ahhh Or maybe it's just my Scorpio Moon, Scorpio Rising?

On Day 85 the flies disappeared and they weren't tormenting me anymore. The universe took pity on me. I was already dealing with a flea infestation. How much more could I take? Well, all of a sudden my little rodent pal appeared again... and this time he didn't seem so skiddish. We locked eyes a few times and I could feel that he was getting more comfortable with me! We were becoming friends! I actually started throwing walnuts and blueberries to him and he was doing his best to grab them without staying out of his hole for longer than a quick moment. We were bonding! I felt really good about connecting with this beautiful creature... The universe spoke to me that day and told me that the flea infestation was my karma for putting down the diatomaceous earth. I would have to fix my karma somehow.

On Day 86 my cat Dottie somehow got trapped in the kitchen cabinet and peed in there. I had sprayed myself with flea spray and the ants were all over me again because they were attracted to the flea spray. Then a high school track team appeared while I was sun gazing and a guy was vomiting right behind me... Then my goggles broke on the way to the swimming pool! Yes, perhaps I had been deserving of all this... I had killed a lot of innocent creatures. Ants and fleas...and probably others too! How could I make amends?... The spirit sent me an answer...

Day 87, I wore peppermint oil on my feet to keep the ants off of me... They stopped trying to crawl on me thankfully!

On Day 89, a Sunday, the most magical thing took place at my sun gazing location... I was able to feed my little groundhog/ rodent with my hand! We had become best friends! I gave him a ton of walnuts, blueberries and a little apple that I had to cut in half for him. He grabbed both pieces and took them into his hole. I left a can of cat food around my sun gazing circle to feed the ants and fix my karma. I asked the spirits for their help and felt a rush of energy in my hand that I lifted to the sky. I knew that everything would balance itself out at this point and that I had been forgiven for hurting the ants and other little creatures at my sun gazing spot... I will do my very best to not harm/kill anymore insects... except for the fleas! That's a tough one! I have to protect my cats! So be it! I try my best and I do care. My intentions are for the greater good. The universe knows this! And now it's a Full Moon! Wow! Craziness! Happy Full Moon!

UPDATE SEPTEMBER 18th, 2024 (The very next day after posting this): Perhaps I spoke too soon? Upon arriving at my sun gazing location today, my sacred sun gazing circle was completely trashed with garbage and a hole dug up in the middle! Ahhh barbaric savage humans! I can't seem to get away from them! I think it may be time to start listening to my positive affirmations again!

EXCELLENT UPDATE OCTOBER 7th, 2024: SoI started listening to my autosuggestion of positive affirmations again and I started taking a drop of cbd oil before going to my sun gazing location. This past Friday I had an excellent sun gazing meditation after which the creepy guy with the two dogs showed up. I decided to engage in a conversation with him, apologize to him for possibly being rude to him the last time we met and letting him know how sensitive I was to energy, etc, etc. I felt really good about the interaction even though the guy still had miserable energy and started talking badly about inbred white people from the midwest. He was obviously an awnry sh*t talker. I found the conversation to be funny and his dogs really liked me. I was euphoric from my meditation (and the cbd oil) and I felt that I was fixing some kind of interpersonal karma by speaking to this guy about my feelings about our initial interaction. In fact, I over-talked to the point where this guy had to basically tell me to leave so he could meditate. Funny! But this interaction actually worked out in my favor... (Although, the interaction did cause some distressful events to take place that same day.) However, today, 3 days later, I showed up to my sun gazing spot and the guy was there with his 2 dogs meditating. He saw me, immediately dove out of his meditation seat and left with his two dogs as fast as he could without saying a word! Brilliant! I defeated the weirdo with bad energy at my sun gazing spot! Hallelujah!

Jennie H is a Reiki Master Energy Healer, Co-Founder of Self Saviorz Society California Non-Profit 501(c)(3), Poet, Author and Entertainer with goals to help raise the vibration and consciousness of humanity!


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